About SFF Reviews

What We Do

Short Reviews of Short SFF
Our goal in this site is to provide short reviews of short (i.e., novelette and shorter) science fiction & fantasy, as published in journals and anthologies. We aim for depth rather than breadth; each of our reviewers focuses on the stories published in a single venue.

Our current publication schedule is every other day; we hope to eventually have enough reviewers to publish daily (or even more than once a day!)

Who We Are

SFF Reviews is the brainchild of Dr. Sara L. Uckelman, inspired by this Twitter thread (by @ClowderofTwo). Basically, there is a lot of SFF out there to read and review, and only a very small percentage of it gets noticed. We aim to do our small part to boost the signal! Sara enlisted help from a writing group and found an enthusiastic Sarah Liu to help with some of the logistics.

Want to join us?

We are interested in adding new reviewers to our crew. For more information, see here


Dr. Sara L. Uckelman is Lecturer in Logic and Philosophy of Language at Durham University by day and a writer of speculative fiction by night. Sara reviews Luna Station Quarterly.

Sarah Grace Liu is a writing tutor at SUNY: College at Brockport, where she received her MA. She works as a freelance editor of SFF novels while also writing her own. Sarah reviews Shimmer and SFF poetry.